Dr. Francisco J Valenzuela & Karen L Valenzuela

In Proverbs 9:9-10
9 Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more.
10 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.
We have what these Scriptures profess in preparing and equipping His people for every good work and have embraced it with a hunger to minister the Wisdom and Love of God to everyone we come in contact with.
We invite you to join us in celebrating the Wisdom and Love that God has for all those who call upon Him. We welcome you all to our website, where the Wisdom of God is taught to all in the Spirit of excellence. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 139:5 TPT
You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. With your hand of love upon my life, you impart a blessing to me.
Dr. Francisco J Valenzuela: President
I was born March 31, 1951 in El Paso, Texas and was raised in an area of the city called: "El Barrio Del Diablo," which means The Devils Ward." My mother raised me in the Roman Catholic Church, but at that young age I was more interested in the streets of El Paso. After many years of living in that lifestyle I woke up as from a dream and now I have come to thank God that even through the years of "doing my own thing", my mother never gave up on me and was always there for me. She made sure that I knew who Jesus was, but in my youth I did not understand the gift that Christ wanted to give me and my sinful nature held me captive. It led to my having a confusing life to say the least, and it was all due to my rebellious and disobedient ways, and of course to my ignorance of the Word. It was nobody's fault but my own; and I take full responsibility for it all.
The rough times with alcohol and drugs became the norm for me. There I was in the arena of ignorance thinking about what a good time I was having, but like I said, "little did I know". Just how was I to know that the bad company I was keeping was corrupting my character. I wasn't working The Word and The Word wasn't working in me. But Jesus was watching over me! Thank God that as the years went by, God placed people of a pure heart in my path, people who would direct me in the manner that He had proposed for my life. One of those divine connections came in the way of my nephew Eric Huereque, who through much disciplining and correction led me to the Lord. It was then that I began seeking the Lord and His plan for my life, devoting my all in following after Him.
As time went on I met my wife Karen at work and in getting to know her, I got involved in going to church with her.
Where would I be without my beautiful and godly wife. She is a gift from God, and not only that, but a strength that stands by my side through the ups and downs we have and will encounter. She is a Mighty Woman of God, of that there is no doubt.
I thank God for Pastor Karen, together, hand in hand we will accomplish our Father's assignment for both of our lives.
She was attending Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC) in Ft. Worth, TX. and it was to be an enlightening experience in attending a church started by Kenneth Copeland Ministries.
I met believer's there that helped mentor me and direct me in the powerful Word of God and I want to thank all of them for their encouraging words and counsel. I not only became a reader of the Bible, I became a student of the Bible.
I began taking classes and studying at Believer's Institute at EMIC, and I continued my study's through Jerry Savelle's Correspondence Course and achieved a Certificate of Completion. I found myself wanting even more and began seeking God for more wisdom, who directed me to Wisdom Ministries in Tulsa, OK. There I began studying under Dr. Nasir Siddiki who was the president and founder of Wisdom University and after several years of immersing myself in the Word of God, I received my Doctorate in Biblical Wisdom on September 10th, 2011.
What a change! If you had known me back then and could come to see the spiritual transformation that took place in my life, you too would say the same, "What a Transformation"!
Today, I am totally submitted to accomplishing my God given assignment here on earth and I am not leaving until I do. My life is all about Jesus, I pray it is yours also.
Just as Jesus' mother told the servants at the wedding of Cana, "Whatever He tells you to do, DO IT!" I can hear her telling us, the Body of Christ the same. So follow her counsel and "Just Do It!" Amen!
Dr. Maceo Smith: Vice-President

Teaching Biblical Meditation - the basic law for establishing your heart.
Principle Scripture: Philippians 4:8, "Meditate on These Things."
Ordination: FJVM-Tree of Life
Board of Directors: Vice-President
Minister Teacher
Dr. Maceo has partnered up with us at FJVM and in doing so, brings so much to the table. He is a minister that encourages individuals to learn and practice what the Bible says about Meditating God's Word. There is a workable plan and when you work the plan. Proverbs 6:22 says, "When thou go, it (The Word) shall lead thee; when thou sleep, it shall keep thee; and when thou awake, it shall talk with thee." When this begins to take place you will make your way prosperous, and have good success and deal wisely in the affairs of life Joshua 1:8.
Dr. Maceo has been involved in various ministries in the Body of Christ. To mention a few he has worked in the Alter Prayer Ministery, Small Group Leader, Home Bible Study Leader, Inner City Outreach Minister, Ministry Of Helps Leader, Mentor and Teacher.
He's a graduate of Embracing His Grace Ministry, Ft. Worth, TX. He is also a graduate of the University Of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Arkansas with a degree in Community Recreation and Physical Education. He worked as a professional salesman and sales trainer. Now he enjoys his retirement with an occasional drive for Uber.
He and his wife Brenda now live up in Colorado Springs, CO. They attend Legacy Church in Green Mountain Falls, CO. If ever I met a man who has a direct communication with the Spirit of God, it is Dr. Maceo Smith, we are honored here at FJVM to have him join in with helping our ministry.
In Loving Memory
Pastor Roy Adams
Ministry of Helps

Talk about a man who knew his business. I came to know this in working with him on many different occasions. I am so glad that the Lord put it in his heart to come and be a part of Tree of Life Church. It was a no brainer when I came to the decision in giving him the position of Head of our Ministry of Helps.
Pastor Roy came to us with a compassionate heart, always working with a Spirit of Excellence doing all things as unto the Lord.
God not only Blessed us with Pastor Roy in our years as Tree of Life Church, but He blessed me with a friend and brother.
My dear friend and brother in Christ went home to the Lord on August 02, 2015 after a long illness! He ran a brilliant race and completed it with the Love of God always at his side. We will miss you Roy until we meet again my dear friend and brother. Love you!